游客 & 家庭
在网上买球软件, we understand the important role that loved ones can provide in supporting our care team. We continue to update our guidance taking into consideration the health and safety of our 员工, 还有我们的病人和客人.
一般指导: |
探视时间从早上9点开始.m. 到晚上9点.m. 住院部. 请 see below for visitation guidelines for specific areas such as Emergency Department, 家庭生育中心, 行为健康, 外科中心及门诊部.
Approved support persons or 游客s, for any patient, should meet the following criteria:
- 支持的人 必须年满18岁
- 欢迎儿童,没有年龄限制
- 健康无症状
- Wear ID badge after checking with security (please note you must present a photo ID)
- Use proper infection control practices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when applicable
- Follow the directions of staff and abide by the health system’s 游客 policy rules
All 游客s are allowed to frequent the Coffee Bar, Gift Shop and 的 Calvert Café. 支持的人 may purchase food while in the patient room from the cafeteria; menus are available in patient rooms.
认识到交换 of information is an essential element of quality patient-and family-centered care, 网上买球软件 provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English.
新冠肺炎患者或疑似新冠肺炎患者允许携带1台(1台) 游客 可以回家,但通过医院的流量有限. 支持的人 must wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow all directions of the hospital care team. 个人防护装备包括防护服、手套、医院发放的口罩和护目镜.
主要入口: 6 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-Fri
9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat-Sun
急诊室: 24/7访问.
具体指导: |
医院探视:上午9点.m. 到晚上9点.m.
病人 who have been admitted to the hospital are allowed four (4) 游客s at a time in their room; 游客s may switch out. 允许一(1)名过夜游客. 接受临终关怀的病人和未成年人可以例外. 游客 should remain in the patient room at all times except to use the public restroom or for a brief visit to the Gift Shop, 咖啡吧或卡尔弗特咖啡馆. 所有未成年人必须由患者以外的成年人监护. |
急诊室的病人一次允许两(2)名来访者. 儿科 patients are allowed to have two (2) parents/guardians at a time throughout all care settings.
探视 for those who are COVID-positive or suspected of having COVID is as follows:
- covid - 19阳性患者-禁止探视. 病人 meeting ADA requirements may have a support person accompany them throughout all care settings.
- 需要进行COVID检测的人员不得探视 until clinical assessment is complete and patient is determined to be COVID-negative.
- If a patient transported to the hospital by ambulance is known to be COVID-positive prior to/on arrival – no visitation will be permitted.
- 如果“COVID”状态为“未知”, 探访者可留在病人身边,直至作出临床评估.
- 儿科 patients will be permitted two (2) parent/guardian regardless of COVID status.
去急诊室的病人应该住院吗, the 游客s will be allowed to accompany the patient to their hospital room provided it is within visitation hours (9 a.m.-9 p.m.). 住院病人允许有(1)名经批准的过夜访客.
病人 requiring a psychiatric evaluation in the Emergency Department may be permitted visitation after the completion of the evaluation.
限制携带个人物品进入医院. COVID-positive patients or those suspected of COVID are prohibited from bringing any personal items into the facility.
一(1)名经批准的支持人员,可24小时待命. 一次允许两(2)名游客,可切换. 临终关怀和未成年人是根据具体情况而定的.
会允许四(4)名访客吗, 虽然只有两(2)名经批准的父母/监护人可以过夜. Parents/ guardians are permitted to bring in outside food provided it is not shared with the patient. 家长或监护人可参观礼品店、咖啡吧或卡尔弗特咖啡馆. |
家庭分娩中心:产前,分娩 & 分娩及产后:
劳动 & 交付单位
2名准妈妈在病人分娩期间获准探视 & 交付. 游客可能会改变. 13岁以下禁止入内参观.
一旦病人被转移到产后病房, 允许三(3)名经批准的访客, (一)访视人在访视期间的赡养人. 游客可能会改变. 只有指定的支援人员才允许过夜. 13岁以下禁止入内参观, with the exception of siblings who are allowed visitation post-delivery on the postpartum unit during normal visiting hours (9 a.m.-9 p.m.).
游客 and 支持的人 may visit 的 Calvert Cafe, Coffee Bar or Gift Shop.
一位访客可以陪伴一位准妈妈 门诊服务 在家庭生育中心进行,例如非压力测试(NST).
2名家长或监护人陪同青少年入场——下午5:30.m.-6:30 p.m. 下午2点到3点半.m. 星期六和星期日.
成年住院病人每天下午五点半可有两(2)名获准访客.m.-6:30 p.m. 下午2点到3点半.m. 星期六和星期日.
- 访客必须有耐心和/或父母的授权.
- 13岁以下禁止入内参观 are permitted unless approved by the Director/Treatment Team
- All minor (ages 13-17) 游客s must be accompanied by an adult (Unless indicated by Team)
- 禁止携带食物或饮料进入病房
- 所有来访者都要接受搜查
- 探视应在一般环境中进行. 访客不得进入私人卧室, 除非治疗提供者另有临床指示.
*由于行为健康股的方案结构, 病人一般在白天参加班级或小组活动. Treatment Plans may be modified to accommodate therapeutic visitation as agreed upon by the patient and treating provider.
Two (2) 游客s may accompany the patient for registration and the duration of the procedure. 在术前过程中,只能有一名探视者陪同患者返回.
一旦病人被送回去做手术, the 游客s can remain in the waiting area and is permitted to visit 的 Calvert Café, 咖啡厅和礼品店.
医疗集团业务: |
请 点击这里 浏览更多有关健康医疗集团的探访资料. |
Any 游客 unable to abide by the medical center’s 游客 policy or follow the directions of staff will be asked to leave.
游客限制可能会有所变化. 网上买球软件 acknowledges that this policy may cause some inconvenience for any patients and their family members; however, patient safety and the overall health of the community is the health system’s top priority.
新的访客照片身份证系统加强了我们现有的楼宇保安措施. This system is currently being used at many of the leading hospitals across the United States, 事实证明这是非常有效的.
Everyone who accompanies or visits a patient in 网上买球软件 Medical Center must show a valid photo ID in order to receive a 游客 photo ID badge. Staff members, volunteers and clinical students will continue to use their hospital photo ID. 每次颁发徽章时,都会拍摄一张新照片.
- Photo ID badges must be worn and visible by all persons including patient 游客s, 门诊病人前来预约, 供应商, 承包商, 学生和任何其他非calverthehealth人员.
- 医生, 员工, volunteers and clinical students who do not have their hospital photo ID must obtain and wear a photo ID badge for the day.
- 国家颁发的驾驶执照
- 出示身份证
- 护照
- 其他政府签发的身份证
- 学校的身份证
- 带有名称的工作公司ID(对于供应商)
- 在饭店的接待处 正门(周一至周五)上午6点.m. - 9 p.m.(星期日-星期日.m. - 9 p.m.
- 的 急诊室入口24-7
- 步骤1: 在网上买球软件医疗中心的两个接待地点之一停下来. 为了获得最快的服务,请准备好带照片的身份证件.
- 步骤2: 我们将为您打印访客照片身份证,供您在大楼内佩戴. 身份标识将表明您是访客、供应商、承包商、门诊病人等. 指定你可以使用的单元和分配的房间号.
- 步骤3: 在最外层衣服的左边或右边的胸部区域展示你的徽章.
所有访客的徽章仅在颁发当天有效. 徽章
颁发徽章. 请将您的访客证交给保安人员
We continually strive to provide excellent care and an excellent patient and family experience for all who enter 网上买球软件 Medical Center. 感谢您支持我们致力于创造一个安全、治愈的环境. We invite you to share your suggestions, questions and ideas with our staff members.